The Wonder of Our Life

Follow my kids and my journey through motherhood, co-parenting, health issues, healthy living, reiki and of course our beach adventures!

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Ep: 8 - The Comparison Trap

Wednesday Sep 15, 2021

Wednesday Sep 15, 2021

At some point I’m sure you have fallen prey to the comparison trap, just like me. Whether it was positive or negative. When you have kids who have some extra needs this can be really challenging to navigate. I also realized sometimes the insecure feelings I was feeling were mine - not my kiddos. In this episode I have a real convo about my own struggle with this comparison trap.

Ep 7: Self Worth

Monday Jul 19, 2021

Monday Jul 19, 2021

Anybody else out there struggle with self worth? It’s no joke and those insecurities can filter into every avenue of your life. Today I share my struggle and some things I’ve learned that hopefully can help you too!

Monday Jul 12, 2021

I don’t know about you, but in my experience motherhood can be EMBARRASSING! From my c-section that was observed by 5 students at the training hospital, to meltdowns in public, to sneaking insulin at parties to heated SST & 504 meetings, being a momma is NOT for the weak of heart! 
This is just a reminder, you are not alone! People pleasers unite! We will get through this one embarrassment at a time xoxo

Monday Jul 05, 2021

I am terrible at forgiving myself, even though I am pretty darn good at forgiving others. 
If you struggle with forgiving yourself too, I share 3 techniques that have worked for me. I hope they can help you too xoxo
If you want more positivity or want to book a reiki session find me at

Monday Jun 28, 2021

Sensory Processing Disorder is CRAZY! It can be very hard to diagnose. There are different variations and what works for us may or may not work for you! 
I share our experience and things that have helped us so that we can encourage and support someone else.
Here’s a Blog Post I did on SPD that might help too :)
** This is NOT medical advice and I am not a medical professional

Monday Jun 21, 2021

The day my son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes our whole world flipped upside down! I had a quick conversation with my son on the day he was diagnosed and his thoughts on living with Type 1 Diabetes now.
If you just got diagnosed and you head is spinning, you are not alone. Reach out to me on Instagram @marielabbee or email me at
I’m happy to encourage you. ** I’m not a medical professional

Monday Jun 14, 2021

Ok, you are now on your own, sometimes totally outnumbered by tiny humans, trying to make happy family memories. What the heck do you do now?
I share some tips & tricks and my reality of traveling with two kids as a single parent. Enjoy the crazy LOL

Saturday Jun 12, 2021

This will be a space of vulnerability, love and support. I’ll be talking about all things motherhood, co-parenting, T1D, RAD, SPD, depression, anxiety, healthy living, energy healing, reiki, dating and really any other crazy thing that comes up in life.

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